Journals on Research in History and History Didactics.Digital Repositories on History and Historical Education.Ethical Dimension of History and Multiculturalism.Empathy, Contextualization and Historical Perspective.
Progressing through some campaigns requires a lot of time and dedication. Many different campaigns and play modes to choose from. As the game was launched several years ago, you shouldn't expect to see highly detailed graphics and animations, but the visual elements are nonetheless quite good for a classic strategy title. If you like learning about history, you're in luck, as Cossacks: European Wars also features a historical encyclopedia that lets you learn about the warring parties, military tactics used at the time and more. The game lets you gather resources and take a variety of technological research paths so that you can build a stronger military force. You can play historical battles that actually took place in the real world from either side, but if you pick the side that lost, you will often be facing quite a challenge. The creators of the game have paid close attention to historical accuracy, so you will see military units, tactics and technology that really existed in the time period that the game is set in. Here, you get to take part in conflicts such as the War of the Austrian Succession or the Thirty Years' War that raged through Central Europe in the 17th century. What sets Cossacks: European Wars apart from similar games is the historical setting that it places you in. Therefore, if you like to take part in historical battles on your PC, this title is one that you should have in your game library.
The overall gameplay and objectives are quite similar to what you would find in other games of its genre, such as Age of Empires. Cossacks: European Wars is a strategy video game taking you back to 17th and 18th century Europe.