Shorof nahwu science teaching methods can not be separated from the traditional system, which departs from the pattern of teaching is very simple and in the first onset, is teaching sorogan, bandongan and wetonan.

Nahwu is Tata-Arabic (Arabic Grammar), whereas according lughot Shorof or etymology is changing, being according to the origin of the term is changing the shape of the other forms to achieve the desired meaning that can only be achieved with the change. Shorof nahwu science teaching methods that can not be separated from the traditional system while the system is a departure from the traditional pattern of teaching is very simple and in the first onset, is teaching sorogan, bandongan and wetonan in studying religious books written by the scholars of the medieval era and the book these books are known term yellow book. Keywords: Pembelajaran saraf, metode krapyak Therefore eclectic method right for saraf learning.

This method make student easier for understand about saraf and avoid the students from boredom. The result of research adduce that study of saraf in Islamic School Class 2 of Pesantren Mahasiswa (PESMA) An Najah Purwokerto use eclectic method is integration methods of study saraf in Islamic Studies Class 2 Pesantren Mahasiswa (PESMA) An Najah Purwokerto such as reading method, memorize, demonstratation, dictatation, quetion and answer, discussion, drill and sorogan. Latter is analysis fact to get result of research. The kind of research method are interview methode, observation and documentation. The research to bring closer on the one variabel about study of saraf krapyak method. Researcher give illustration about the reality of object researched as objective. As for kind of research is descriptif research that purpose to explore of condition or etc and then analysis the result of research and expalained in the report of research. The writer do this research with field research is collect information with direct research from place of research. The research is effort to look how to study saraf with book of krapyak method.